


Associate Professor of Political Science

电子邮件: ediger@parkcitiesflowermarket.net
电话: 206-281-2937
办公室: 麦肯纳大厅225

教育: BA, Pacific Lutheran University, 1988; MA, 内布拉斯加大学, 1991; PhD, 内布拉斯加大学, 1996. 自2002年起在SPU工作

露丝Ediger received her BA at Pacific Lutheran University where she was a history major, 辅修政治学, and was certified for secondary education. She earned her MA and PhD from the 内布拉斯加大学 in Lincoln, NE specializing in the major field areas of International Relations, Comparative Governments and the subfields of International Political Economy, International 安全 and Foreign 政策, 欧洲政治, 欧洲公共政策. Her dissertation was on “The Role of the Church in the Fall of Communism: The Cases of East Germany, 波兰, 和罗马尼亚.”

在来SPU之前,Dr. Ediger taught at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee where she helped create a new Political Science program. 自从来到SPU, Dr. Ediger has taught many different classes including International Relations, History of American Foreign Relations, Global Perspectives on Women’s Issues, and UCOR 2000 The West and the World. She is known across campus for demanding that students know all the current countries and capitals of the world (go to her website if you would like to try one of these geoquizzes). In addition to advising Political Science students, she is also one of the two Global Development Studies advisors. 2013年,Dr。. Ediger was awarded the ASSP 教师 of the Year, an honor of which she is most proud.

从2005年到2010年, she conducted sixteen different workshops for various groups of K-12 teachers funded by the US Federal Department of Education’s Teaching American History Grant. Her current research interests involve studying ways to improve university level teaching including the integration of active learning pedagogy into the political science curriculum and the development and assessment of political science curriculum.


  • “International Internships for United States Undergraduates: Assessment and Accreditation Challenges” co-presented with Dr. Kathleen Braden at the Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines in La Baume, 普罗旺斯, 法国, 6月8日, 2010.

  • “Assessing the Usefulness of Extra-Textbook Materials” presented for the “Program Assessment” track at the annual APSA Teaching and Learning Conference, 圣荷西, 加州, 2月22 - 24, 2008.

  • “Teaching in the World: Knowing the 位置 of the Nation-States Using a Computer Based Geoquiz Program” presented for the “Teaching with Technology I” track at the annual APSA Teaching and Learning Conference, 华盛顿, D.C.2006年2月18日至20日.

  • “The Creation of an Undergraduate International Relations Canon: Beginning the Dialog” presented at the 47th Annual International Studies Association Meeting, March 22-25, 2006 in San Diego, CA.

  • “History of an Institution as a Factor for Predicting Church Institutional Behavior: The Cases of the Catholic Church in 波兰, the Orthodox Church in Romania, and the Protestant Churches in East Germany” published in the September 2005 issue of the 东欧季刊.  卷.39, No.3, pp.299-328.

  • “The Church as a Viable Force in Shaping Eastern 欧洲政治 During the Fall of Communism: The Cases of East Germany, 波兰, 和罗马尼亚,” presented at the Conference of Scholars as sponsored by the Eastern Europe Institute of Waldorf College, 两年一次的会议,1998年3月.

请查看 Dr. Ediger的简历 (PDF) for additional publications.


Dr. 课堂教学


露丝Ediger, Associate Professor of Political Science

“我天生就是一名教师, dedicated to showing students how (not what) to think using the discipline of political science and the 'you can’t make this up' stories that accompany it. This includes working with individual students to find out how to maximize their many talents and abilities, especially the ones they don’t know they have. In this time of societal change, it is fascinating to work with people who will be our future."