Student Stories: 约旦的

My guidance counselor, Wendy Straight, encouraged me to go to SPU. When I talked with her about schools she told me that SPU would be a great fit. I left high school with the intention of being a school guidance counselor, because I saw the impact she had had in my life and in the lives of my fellow classmates.

I came into SPU and took psychology classes with the intent of becoming a counselor. In Spring Quarter of my freshman year, I took "Foundations of Educational Ministry" with Dr. Keuss, and something inside was awakened. I began to doubt my path of psychology.

I took more theology classes and felt the call to pursue ministry and become a pastor. This made me nervous, because I knew the road would be difficult. 我问博士. Keuss to talk to me about being a psychology/theology double major. I wasn't ready to give up my thoughts of becoming a counselor. Dr. Keuss asked me why I was fighting the passion I had for theology. He could see me doing good things for God's kingdom if I followed my passions.

It took me a few more months to feel comfortable saying I wanted to be a pastor. I have loved every class I've taken and every professor I've studied under. I've also loved getting to know my fellow theology students. The students and professors challenge me in my faith and studies, helping me seek God in all I do. 

I took "Women in Ministry" with Dr. 迪尔伯恩 and was blown away by the ways God used women in the Bible and continues to use them. I felt empowered after every class with her; she helped me gain confidence in my gifts, encouraging me to use them.

One of my professors introduced me to 牧师. 天蓝色克兰斯顿, who was starting a cadre group about women in ministry. Through that group I got to go to Houston, Texas, for a conference on biblical equality. We were all blessed by our time there and excited about the conversations that were started there. Another event I got to experience was the panel discussion about biblical equality that our students and faculty put on. It was amazing to hear our professors and other members of our community sharing their stories. 

After I graduate I hope to find a job or internship that will get me involved in ministry. I hope to also go on a mission trip with an organization such as YWAM that will give me new experiences and an opportunity to learn more about God's people. I want to embody the motto of SPU to engage the culture and change the world. 


Junior 比尔Douthit shares his love for studying scripture.


Let 肯尼斯·詹姆 tell you what it's like to be a theology major at SPU.


Read about 玛丽莎·约翰逊's experience in the 神学院 program.