
  • 戏剧(主修,辅修和重点)
  • 服装设计与制作 (major and minor)

The study of 的atre provides you with opportunities to explore personal values, 发展个人技能, and acquire techniques of insight and critical reasoning — all within a distinctive philosophical and artistic environment.

当你主修或副修戏剧时, you will be exposed to a sizable body of dramatic literature, 理论, 以及历史研究, leading to 的 development of an informed perspective of 的 role of 的atre as a social, 精神上的, 艺术机构. 这是一次自由的经历, designed to allow you to explore and develop yourself as both an individual and an artist.

了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件这个部门的信息 使命、愿景和学习成果.


The 剧院 major provides you with opportunities to explore personal values, 发展个人技能, and acquire techniques of insight and critical reasoning — all within a distinctive philosophical and artistic environment.

  • A minimum 80 credits are required for this major and its emphases, 包括30个高年级学分.
  • 本专业包括四个重点: 性能、生产 & 设计,戏剧研究和教学.
  • 教学重点 P-12认证 或者通过教学背书 教育学院.
  • Many of 的 courses focus on skills associated with performance, playwriting, directing, designing, and technical 的atre crafts.
  • 广泛的生产计划 维护.
  • 你必须表现出不断增长的能力 in 的atrical criticism, artistic awareness, and personal 的atrical skills.
  • 你必须完成一个高级项目 in acting, directing, design, technical direction, or playwriting. Your project must include both an approved prospectus and some form of public demonstration made during your senior year.


Your 高级项目 will be developed with faculty advisor consultation and approved by 的 的atre faculty. It is expected to be 的 independent work of a mature student artist.

This project is considered 的 culmination of your undergraduate training and must be of substantial merit, reflecting an informed artistic sensitivity and philosophy. You may accumulate up to 3 credits of TRE 4961 “Special Projects” in 的 completion of this requirement.



The major in 服装设计与制作 takes advantage of 的 resources of 的 Department of 剧院 and 的 Department of 家庭与消费者科学.

通过对戏剧的综合研究, 服装设计, 服装结构, 服装的历史, 以及戏剧史, we prepare students who want to become costumers, 衣橱管理人员, and costume designers in professional 的atre, 电影, 或者其他表演类型.

*This major and minor are found in TRE and FCS. Please be advised that 的se programs are identical in scope and requirement. 如果你选了一个系的专业, 我想加个辅修, 肯定是在别的部门. 例如, if you are majoring in FCS Apparel Merchandising and would like to minor in 服装设计与制作, 你需要把那门辅修课作为TRE. 

  • A minimum 88 credits are required for this major, 包括36个高年级学分.
  • Core courses from 的 家庭与消费者科学 Department include “历史 of Costume,” “Textiles,” and “Flat Pattern Design.”
  • 戏剧系的核心课程 include “Stagecraft,” “Analyzing and Interpreting 剧院,” and “Production Practicum.”

剧院 or 服装设计与制作 minor


  • 至少需要35个学分 for 的 剧院 minor, including 15 upper-dvision credits.
  • 至少需要35个学分 for 的 服装设计与制作 minor, including 18 upper-division credits.


在网上申请专业 主修或副修申请表. You must complete 的 major requirements in effect in 的 SPU 本科目录 for 的 year of admittance to 的 major or minor.

  • You should apply for a major or minor by your junior year. 
  • 如果你是新生 you may apply for 的 major at 的 end of your first quarter of your sophomore year. 
  • 如果你是转校生 you may apply to 的 major in your second quarter of residence.
  • 你的申请截止了 on or before 的 first Friday of Autumn, Winter, or Spring quarter. 
  • You are required to successfully complete TRE 1750, FCS 1840 and one additional core course before you apply to 的 服装设计与制作 major or minor.
  • You are required to successfully complete TRE 1200, TRE 1720, and TRE 1340 before you apply to 的 剧院 major or minor.
  • 你的总GPA 必须至少2个吗.5 for admission to any major or minor in 的 剧院部门. 
  • 教员必须批准 所有的主要和次要的入场. 


Certification with elementary education endorsement

  • If you plan to teach in an elementary school and are interested in 的atre, you must major in 的 综合研究专业 专攻艺术.
  • 该集中由课程组成 在艺术、音乐和戏剧方面.
  • 指导老师 艺术专业的博士. 安德鲁·赖德(aryder@parkcitiesflowermarket.net).
  • 进一步的信息 about 的 基本认证 Program is available in 的 教育学院.

Certification with P-12 endorsement in 剧院

If you plan to obtain Residency Teacher Certification with endorsement in 剧院, 你应该攻读戏剧教育学士学位, and you must also complete P-12认证 through 的 教育学院.

如果你打算成为一名教师,请访问页面内容 的 教育学院 获取完整信息.



TRE 4899 Capstone “艺术 and Religious Experience”  fulfills 的 eighth course required in 的 普通的课程.



参观 剧院部门 to see how a degree in 剧院 can help you achieve your goals to make a difference in 的 world.



建议课程顺序 help you complete your degree in a timely manner.