
Programs offered
  • History (major, minor, and track)
  • Museum Studies (minor)

SPU的历史专业和辅修课程培养对世界文化的平衡理解. 在这些课程中,你将探索西方文明在古代和中世纪时期的根源和发展, 追溯西方与世界其他地区的互动, and probe more deeply into American, European, and non-Western history. 在此过程中,你将重点关注基督教在西方和非西方环境中的影响.

History (BA)

历史专业强调人类的共同遗产和共同未来, 挑战你去问,基督教的世界观如何能帮助赌博十大靠谱软件理解人类事件的全貌, the variety of human cultures, and the influence of heritage on identity.


  • 本专业至少需要56-62学分, including 26 upper-division credits.
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件鼓励你考虑一些特殊项目, both on and off campus.
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件鼓励你在历史专业的基础上再修一门辅修或第二专业 比如政治学或一门外语.
  • Work closely with your faculty advisor 在选择额外的支持课程量身定制的职业目标.
  • 实习和其他校外学习机会 为您提供本专业的实践技能和丰富的经验.
  • If you intend to enter graduate study, you should acquire a reading mastery of a foreign language.

History minor


  • 辅修历史至少需要30个学分, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • Coursework in History includes three core courses — in world, U.S. 以及非西方历史——加上从历史系提供的所有课程中选择的选修课.
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件鼓励辅修历史课程,以助一臂之力 to related majors such as Political Science, Sociology, etc.

Museum Studies Minor


  • 博物馆研究辅修课程至少需要30个学分, including 25 upper-division.
  • The Museum Studies minor 是否会用重点课程和实践经验来补充相关专业(或其他辅修专业).
  • Graduates who complete this program 能做好立即就业的准备吗, or for further graduate study, in the vigorous and growing fields of museum, archival, and public history.

entering and completing the major or minor

为了获得学位,你必须完成一个学术专业. 上海外国语大学鼓励学生探索不同的学术路径, 学生入学后不需要立即进入一个专业. However, 你应该在大二结束时进入一个专业,以帮助你及时完成学位. 转学为大三和大四的学生应在SPU的前两个季度内确定并进入他们的专业.

  • If this is your first quarter at SPU 你希望在这个系主修或副修, you may select a program by using the online Major or Minor Application form. 您将收到录取通知的电子邮件.
  • 如果你是SPU学生,SPU累计GPA为2.0 or better, use the online Major or Minor Application form to select your major or minor. 您将收到录取通知的电子邮件. 留校察看学生(SPU累计GPA低于2).在恢复良好的学术成绩之前,不得进入新的专业或辅修专业.
  • 这所大学要求成绩达到C或更高 in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, 某些课程可能要求更高的最低成绩. 为了获得更高的分数,你只能重修SPU的课程一次.
  • To advance in this program, 定期与指导老师讨论你的成绩, course progression, 以及其他令人满意的学业进步指标. 如果你的成绩或其他因素表明你可能无法成功完成主修或辅修课程, 你的指导老师可以和你一起探索各种选择, 这可能包括选择不同的主修或辅修.
  • 你必须完成主要或次要的要求 在SPU本科目录中有效,在进入主修或辅修的那一年.

Future teachers



  • If you plan to teach in an elementary school 如果你对历史感兴趣,你必须主修 Integrated Studies major with a concentration in the Social Sciences.
  • The concentration consists of courses in history, political science, and geography.
  • Further information 有关初级认证计划的详情,请参阅 School of Education.


如果您计划获得二级住院教师认证,并在历史上背书, you should pursue a BA in History, 包括“西北太平洋历史”这门课程. You must also complete 中学教育认可的规定 through the School of Education.

If you plan to become a teacher, visit the School of Education for complete information.

Study history while studying abroad

考虑在欧洲、俄罗斯、哥斯达黎加、埃及、中国或肯尼亚花一个季度或一个学期. Or study public policy in Washington, D.C. 有关详细信息,请咨询历史教师或访问SPU的 Global Education: Study Abroad.

History Department

Visit the History Department website 看看这个部门的学位如何帮助你实现你的目标,并在世界上有所作为.

Time Schedule: History

Course planning

Suggested course sequences 帮助你及时完成你的学位.