


的low-residency 美术创意写作硕士 at 好的赌博软件推荐 is a 创意写作 program for apprentice writers who not only want to pursue excellence in the craft of writing but who also want to place their work within the larger context of the Judeo-Christian tradition of faith.

The spiritual dimension of this program is not intended to produce didactic, 宗派, 或者是感伤文学——远非如此. 赌博十大靠谱软件的目的是帮助你发展一个生殖系统, 与你之前的传统建立对话关系, 展示了这些传统是如何存在的, 以及精神探索的持续. 

That is to say that our program seeks to extend the tradition of Christian writing in which the highest standards of art, 睁大眼睛探索人类经验, and a respect for inexhaustible mystery come together to yield new and sustaining vision.

At the heart of any low-residency program is the fruitful relationship between mentor and apprentice. 写作最终是一种孤独的体验, so the rhythm of students sending packets of completed material and receiving feedback from faculty mentors is both appropriate and effective. The beauty of this type of program is that it allows you to maintain your current job and location while offering two stimulating and intensive residency periods each year at the beautiful Camp Casey会议中心 在惠德贝岛.

GRE成绩不需要申请 这个艺术硕士项目, but you must have a bachelor’s degree and must submit official transcripts from previous school(s) attended.



  • 研讨会
  • 工艺课程
  • 阅读和讲座
  • 与教师导师进行长期磋商
  • 艺术与信仰研讨会

Faculty at the 派驻 includes core faculty mentors along with a number of invited guest speakers — some of America’s most celebrated writers. 

You are required to attend five residencies over the course of two academic years. 为期10天的驻留将于3月和8月进行.


  • 2018年8月9日至19日
  • 2019年3月14日至24日

夏季和冬季住院医师 都在SPU举行 Camp Casey会议中心 amidst the beautiful surroundings of Whidbey Island in Puget Sound. MFA students will have the opportunity to sample cultural and recreational possibilities in the area, including visits to nearby historic Coupeville as well as Port Townsend, 只要坐一小段渡轮就到了.


The relationship between students and faculty mentors is at the heart of the low-residency MFA program. You will engage in one-on-one correspondence with two mentors over the course of 这个项目, 和每个人一起学习一年.

All students have two responsibilities: the 创意写作 project in a chosen genre and the reading list.


在学期期间, you are responsible for generating three packets (at approximately three-week intervals). 每个数据包包含以下内容:

  • A 求职信 in which you share thoughts about the creative challenges you are facing.
  • 的一段 新的或修订的 创意写作.
  • 简短的注释 在你读过的几本书里.
  • 当一个 重要的论文 到期了,你还会包括那份文件吗.

导师会给出详细的评论, pointing out strengths and weaknesses and suggesting fruitful avenues for further development. 虽然大多数沟通都是通过电子邮件(和, 有时, 纸邮件), 该程序还利用 Canvas 用于基本文档共享和 脸谱网 用于讨论线程和社区建设.

The norm for low-residency MFA courses is for students to spend 25 hours per week on their work.


在与教师导师密切磋商后, you formulate a course of reading. 阅读材料选自以下两类:

  • 经典的作品 从犹太教-基督教和更广泛的文学传统
  • 当代艺术作品 这些都是你当下需要的榜样和灵感.

Special emphasis is placed on gaining a deeper understanding of the classic works 在你选择的类型中. By the end of the two-year program, you will have read a minimum of 60 books.

You will write one short 重要的论文 (approximately seven pages in length) per quarter in preparation for your long critical essay (20 pages), 第五季度末交.

In preparation for each residency, you will read two texts from the Common Reading list as assigned. These texts are then studied and discussed during residency at 艺术与信仰研讨会. 最近的常见读物包括以下作者的作品:

  • Uwem潘
  • St. 奥古斯汀
  • 尼古拉斯·博伊尔
  • 但丁
  • 安妮·迪拉德
  • 约翰·多恩
  • 陀思妥耶夫斯基
  • T.S. 艾略特
  • Shusaku Endo
  • 伊拉斯谟
  • 杰拉德·曼利·霍普金斯
  • 安娜Kamienska
  • 丹尼斯Levertov
  • 科马克•麦卡锡
  • 切斯瓦夫
  • 弗兰纳里·奥康纳
  • 沃克珀西
  • 理查德·罗德里格斯
  • 威廉·莎士比亚
  • 西格丽德温
  • 维吉尔,我是伊芙琳·沃
  • 西蒙尼·威尔


  • 你将选择一个专业 三种体裁之一,诗歌, 小说, or creative non小说 — and complete a thesis under the direction of a faculty mentor. (一个学生可以学习两种体裁, but only by adding a third year in 这个项目; the student may apply for this after completing one full year of study and demonstrating excellence in a primary genre.)
  • 你将完成一份有创意的手稿 (i.e.(诗歌、短篇小说或散文的合集).
  • 在与教师导师密切磋商后, 你将制定一个阅读课程. By the end of the two-year program, you will have read a minimum of 60 books.
  • 前四个季度, 你要完成一篇简短的评论论文 与你所选课程相关的题目. In the fifth quarter of 这个项目, you will complete a long 重要的论文.
  • 学位推荐 can be made only after the successful completion of at least six quarters of work and five residencies (64 graduate credit hours), as well as the approval of 这个项目 director and faculty mentor.
  • 在最后的实习期间, 你将进行一次公开朗读 你的工作.


To qualify for admission consideration, prospective students must turn in an 在线申请 发送到 研究生招生. 请牢记以下几点:

  • 你可以开始了 这个项目 在3月和8月的10天驻留期间.
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件接受滚动付款. 应用 before November 15 to begin 这个项目 at the residency 在惠德贝岛 the following March. 应用 before May 15 to begin 这个项目 at the residency 在惠德贝岛 that upcoming August.
  • 创意手稿 会被特别强调吗. You must submit 10 pages of poetry or 25 to 30 pages of prose, 无论是小说还是创造性的非小说, 在你选择的类型中.(以散文为例, applicants must decide whether to send an excerpt of a longer manuscript or stories or essays that fall within the page limit.)
  • 您还必须提交一份 三到四页(双倍行距)的个人短文 describing your development as a writer and as a person of faith.
  • 三封推荐信 必须提交. Two should be focused on your abilities as a writer; one should touch on your academic achievements.
  • 申请费50美元,不可退还 是必须的,不能豁免.

*申请人只能申请一个流派进入该计划, but may apply for a third year of study in a second genre upon the successful completion of the first year.

虽然GRE成绩不是必需的, all applicants must have a bachelor’s degree and must submit official transcripts from previous school(s) attended.

赌博十大靠谱软件还有 部分择优奖学金 优秀申请人. There is no separate process to apply; all admitted students will be considered for aid. 
